27 月 1 日(國王節)展廳關閉 - 5 月 10 日(勞動節) 展廳開放 - 00 月 14 日星期日額外開放(00:XNUMX-XNUMX:XNUMX)


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您有福特汽車並想出售嗎? 聯繫我們。 我們一直在尋找老爺車來增加我們的庫存。



- 木製方向盤

This Ford Model T is a true piece of history and was found in America.這款福特T型車是真實的歷史,並在美國發現。 This Ford Model T has the 2,892 cc 4-cylinder engine with a manual gearbox.這款福特T型車配備XNUMX cc cc四缸發動機和手動變速箱。 This Ford Model T does not drive and is offered as a project car.這款福特T型車不開車,而是作為項目車提供。 The black paint has a beautiful patina.黑色塗料具有美麗的銅綠。 The seat has a black upholstery and is in good condition.座椅上有黑色裝飾,狀況良好。 Remarkable is the wooden steering wheel, which is still in a beautiful condition considering the age of this car.值得注意的是木製方向盤,考慮到這輛車的年代,它仍然處於優美的狀態。 This Ford Model T is also equipped with the wooden spoke rims.這款福特T型車還配備了木製輻條輪輞。 Also a beautiful detail is the temperature gauge on top of the radiator.散熱器頂部的溫度表也是一個美麗的細節。 Are you looking for a true classic from the early days of the automated car industry?您是否正在尋找自動駕駛汽車行業早期的真正經典? For more information or a personal shop video, please contact one of our sales people.有關更多信息或個人商店視頻,請聯繫我們的銷售人員之一。

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在一些國家,我們可以幫助融資。 問我們的銷售人員。

  • 參考。 NR: f4551
  • 品牌:
  • 模型: T型車
  • 年份: 1921